Today In History
On 2/12 in:
1909 - NAACP founded
2009 - Cpt. Rachelle Jones, 1st Off. Stephanie Grant and Flight Assts. Robin Rogers and Diana Galloway made aviation history by becoming the 1st all-African American female flight crew for Atlantic Southeast Airlines
Helpful Sites to Learn Your History
The sites listed here are included for both your informational and educational assistance.
Our Selected Loved One
Anna Finder-Jennewein
Born:Tue Jan 23, 1900
Moselle, MO
Death:Sun Nov 11, 1984
St. Louis , MO
Favorite Saying
"I just had to laugh."
Favorite Quotation
Likely a catholic prayer.
Wise Words
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy
Martin Luther King