Today In History

On 2/12 in:
1909 - NAACP founded
2009 - Cpt. Rachelle Jones, 1st Off. Stephanie Grant and Flight Assts. Robin Rogers and Diana Galloway made aviation history by becoming the 1st all-African American female flight crew for Atlantic Southeast Airlines

Helpful Sites to Learn Your History

The sites listed here are included for both your informational and educational assistance.

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Our Selected Loved One

Anna Finder-Jennewein at - Their Story

Anna Finder-Jennewein

Born:Tue Jan 23, 1900
Moselle, MO

Death:Sun Nov 11, 1984
St. Louis , MO

Favorite Saying

"I just had to laugh."

Favorite Quotation

Likely a catholic prayer.


Wise Words

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy

Martin Luther King