Warren Esquire Barge

Warren Esquire Barge from Selma, AL

Born:Fri Feb 06, 1925
Selma, AL

Death:Wed Mar 02, 1988
Providence, RI

BORN: Friday, February 06, 1925 in Selma, AL

HOME-GOING: Wednesday, March 02, 1988 in Providence, RI


Warren Esquire served in the Navy during the following military actions:


The member who placed this information here had this to say about Warren Esquire

Warren Esquire 's Career as a Navy Sailor

Warren E. Barge Sr., served 25 years in the U.S Navy and fought in three wars.

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Wise Words

What is soul? Soul is conscgood and evil, rejoicing over kindness, weeping over injury. Since consciousness is the inmost nature and essence of the soul, the more aware you are the more spiritual you are. Awareness is the effect of the spirit: anyone who has this in abundance is a man or woman of God

Mathnawi [VI, 148-150]