Corene Dancy

Corene Dancy from Perry, AL

Born:Mon Nov 10, 1890
Perry, AL

Death:Wed Apr 08, 1981
Birmingham, AL

Favorite Saying

Use good table manners. You never know where you're going in the future.

Favorite Quotation

"A fool and his money are soon to part."

by: Scripture

BORN: Monday, November 10, 1890 in Perry, AL

HOME-GOING: Wednesday, April 08, 1981 in Birmingham, AL

The member who placed this information here had this to say about Corene

She was called "a taskmaster" by her son, William. She was a complex woman of vision, a philosopher, a storyteller, a healer, housewife, a Mother of four children. Above all, she was dedicated to her family and raising her children and grandchildren.

Corene's Early Life

Corene Dancy was the daughter of former slave, Rhoda Bryant and John Green, Jr., a Black Creek Indian. Corene grew up on the Morrisette Plantation in Alabama. She attended elementary school at the Lilly Hill Baptist Church and later the famous Snow Hill Institute founded in 1893 by Dr. William J. Edwards, a graduate of Tuskegee University.

At a relatively young age she married Robert Huffman. The marriage was doomed as Mr. Huffman was a heavy drinker and frequently returned home intoxicated. Corene says, "I didn't know what was wrong with him." She later, at the age of 21, Corene moved to the Birmingham area to escape this bad marriage. At that time others moved off the land because of crop failures. The land was just worn out and the South was suffering from terrible droughts. In the Birmingham area, Corene Dancy lived in McCulley's Quarters. McCulley's Quarters was a place where poor, working class black people lived until they could afford to move to a bigger house or could afford to buy their own house. The area might have once been part of a plantations slave quarters. They were all shotgun houses, mostly two-room places. No electricity, of course. Even after TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority] came to the Birmingham area.

Things that Influenced Corene's Life

The Morrisette Plantation, the Great Depression and her Father, John Green.

Join the 1 others who have posted a reflection about Corene on this site.

Funny I even left a post but these probably the only 10 hip hop / rap songs you heard in your life. LOL I do agree with The Crossroads, Dear Mama, and Rapper's Delight being in the top ten, but Ridin? Gold Digger? In da Club? Really? Everyone alwyas has an opinion but come on man!!! Think again.

Posted by: rwnu3YBEVi

Wise Words

Don't look where you fell, but where you slipped

Liberian Proverb